It seems like we're witnessing intentionally driven, slow motion train wrecks..

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Prussian totalitarian regime in DC is intentionally implementing the wishes of the fascist WEF and their cabal masters. Too many elections this year and in order to keep voters distracted while they cheat to reinstall their own puppets, they would love to fund and profit from WWIII...,both sides and I’d bet the Ukraine funds they want would go to the armament corporations. Sick and evil! Thank you for your post!

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ALP and The Greens, a partnership from Hell, is full on obeying the WEF/ UN/ WHO!

These turds don't give a flying f--k for the people of Australia.

Old Greasy Albanese is our very own Justin Trudeau, a totally useless wanker who will follow orders, orders that must be obeyed!

Every time Greasy opens his gob he spreads more disinformation and lies.

If Australia is to survive, we MUST get rid of Greasy and his Greeny Guts!

Their one intention is to cause the destruction of our Australia and all it stands for!

MAGA! Make Australia Great Again!

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As if it wasn't already, this is getting serious.

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“It seems like we're witnessing intentionally driven, slow motion train wrecks…”

AIN’T THAT THE TRUTH! This is exactly what’s happening.

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Thank you for a very interesting posting.

I remember explaining the Ukraine war to a friend and saying that what the Ukraine government was doing to their citizens in Luhansk and Donetsk would be like the US government turning against one or more of its states and its citizens in those states. It appears the US may be going down a slippery path to nothing good. Thankfully no bullets or shells are flying.

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